MoU-Wadhwani Foundation

MoU-Wadhwani Foundation

South Asia School of Business and Wadhwani Foundation have officially commenced their partnership with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the University of South Asia's conference room on March 27, 2024.

Esteemed representatives from both entities, including the Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. M. A. Wadud Mondal, Registrar Mohammad Kamruzzaman, Deputy Registrar Johurul Islam Jewel, Dean, Head and faculty members, along with Wadhwani Foundation's Senior Program Manager Mr. Estanul Kabir and Associate Program Manager Sagar Khalasi, were present at the auspicious occasion. On behalf of South Asia School of Business Honorable Dean of South Asia School of Business Mohammad Abdullah Al Mamun and on behalf of Wadhwani foundation, Senior program Manager Estanul Kabir signed the MoU.

This collaboration marks the introduction of the Wadhwani Foundation's 21st Century Employability Skills Development Program at the University of South Asia. The partnership also entails conducting a Training of Trainers (ToT) session to equip facilitators with the necessary skills. With a focus on fostering impactful and sustainable collaboration, both parties are enthusiastic about the prospects of this endeavor.