Abdul Alim
Designation: Lecturer and Coordinator
Department: Department of Environmental Science
School: South Asia School of Public Health & Life Sciences
- Academic Qualification
- Experience
- Publication
- Research Interest
- Training
- Teaching Area
- Scholarship & Award
- Membership
Degrees Year
M Sc (Masters) 2020
Institution: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
Department: Geography and Environment
Thesies Title: Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Status of Mohammadpur Geneva Camp by Using GIS and RS
Result: GPA- 3.82 (Thesis) ; Publication Date: 12 September, 2023
B Sc (Honors) 2019
Institution: Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
Department: Geography and Environment
Dissertation Title: Evaluation of the Different Interpolation Methods to Visualize the Temperature Variability of Bangladesh By Using GIS And RS
Result: GPA- 3.79; Publication Date: 25 February, 2021
Higher Secondary Certificate [HSCl 2015
Institution: Gaibandha Government College
Result: GPA- 4.83
Board: Dinajpur
Secondary School Certificate [Dakhil] 2013
Institution: Tengrakandi M.A Sobur Dakhil Madrasah
Result: GPA 4.88
Board: Madrasah
I have an experience of 01 Year 08 Months 03 Days in teaching as an ‘Adjunct Lecturer’ and ‘Teaching Assistant’ at The University of South Asia, Department of Environmental Science from January, 2023 to June, 2024.
Duration of Service |
01 January, 2024 to |
Designation: |
Lecturer (Adjunct) |
Duration: |
08 Months 03 Days |
Taught Courses: |
Semester: Spring 2024 (January-April) |
01 January, 2023 to |
Duration: |
01 Year 00 Month 00 Day |
Taught Courses: |
Semester: Spring 2023 (January-April) |
Job Experience
I have an ability to do as a hardworker. From January, 2021 to December, 2023; I have almost three (03) years of work experience in the reputed organization of Bangladesh at the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Service (CEGIS). It spans Resource Management Planning (Natural and Intellectual), System Development, and Capacity Building and Research activities.
Project: 01
Title: “Delineation of Enumeration Area, Extraction Settlement Information for Urban and Rural Area and Mapping Using GIS and Remote Sensing Technology to Support Population Census 2021 (BBS002)” Under the Remote Sensing Division.
Duration: 15th February 2021 to 31st October 2021.
Responsibilities: My responsibility in this project was to generate land-use databases and enumerate area delineation from satellite imagery.
Project: 02
Title: “Water Source Identification and Rejuvenation for Sustainable Water Resource Management of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT002)” Under the Water Resources and Management Division.
Duration: 1st November 2021 to 31st July 2022,
Responsibilities: My responsibility in this project was to identify the Charra, Jhiri, Jhorna, and River from satellite imagery and data entry from field data.
Project: 03
Title: “Updating the Information of the Rivers in Bangladesh and its IT-Based Management (WDB059)” Under River Delta and Coastal Morphology Division.
Duration: 15th May 2023 to 31st August 2023,
Responsibilities: In this project, My responsibility in this project was to delineate the river’s central line and polygon from satellite imageries and update river information in the attribute table.
I have an experience in research through paper publications in different reputed national journals and research assistantship. My Three (03) articles already published.
- Saha, M., Alim, A., Moniruzzaman, Sk., and Huda, K. M. S., (2024), Evaluation of Water Quality, Causes and Impacts of Water Pollution: A Geographical Assessment on Turag River near Gabtali Point; University of South Asia Journal, Volume # 08-09, Issue # 01 (2022-2023), University of South Asia, Aminbazar, Savar, Dhaka-1348. ISSN: 2411-3077.
- Alim, A., Huda, K. M. S., and Moniruzzaman, Sk., (2023), Evaluation of the Different Interpolation Methods to Visualize the Temperature Variability of Bangladesh By Using GIS And RS; The Jahangirnagar Review: Part II: Social Science, Vol. 47, No. 01, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jahangirnagar University. Dhaka, Pp. 159-256, ISSN 1682-7422.
- Alim, A., Huda, K. M. S., and Moniruzzaman, Sk., (2021), বন ও জীববৈচিত্র্য সংরক্ষণে ইকোট্যুরিজমের প্রভাবঃ সীতাকুণ্ড ইকোপার্ক ও ডুলহাজরা সাফারি পার্কের উপর একটি ভৌগোলিক সমীক্ষা; (Impacts of Ecotourism on Forest and Biodiversity Conservation: A Geographical Assessment on Sitakunda Ecopark and Dulhazara Safari Park); Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Bhugol O Paribesh Samikkhan, Volume-40/2021, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh (In Bengali), pp 35-42, ISSN 1027-8567.
- Monitoring Levels of Noise Pollution of Dhaka North City Corporation
- Monitoring Water Quality of Gulshan and Banani Lake, Dhaka North City Corporation
- Monitoring Water Quality of Turag River Adjoining Tongi Industrial Area
- Perceptions of City Dwellers on Water Logging Associated Problems: A Case Study on Dhaka North City Corporation (Ward 14)
- Training on “Food Safety” Organized by Disaster Ready.Org. 2023.
- Training on “Financial Skill Development of Youth Towards Implementing Sustainable Development Goals” Organized by One Bank. 2019.
- Introduction to Human Rights and Environment Organized by United Nations Institute for Training and Research and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- International Students Webinar on Growth Hack Organized by the International Association Lion’s Club.
- Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Organized by Geography and Environmental Community of Bangladesh.
- Promoting Peace Tolerance and Diversity Organized by Save Youth Bangladesh and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Washington D.C recognized and UKAID.