Dr. Samia Hassan
Dr. Samia Hassan, is a physician who specializes in Physiology. She is an adjunct faculty in Department of Public Health and life Science of University of South Asia for MPH program.
She completed her MBBS from Prestigious Mymensingh Medical College in 2006.She entered into post graduation and earned MD degree in Physiology in 2018 from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). She is the first female physician to conduct a randomized control trial study on effect of Vitamin D3 over COPD patients, which was later on awarded as outstanding presentation in PULMOCON 2017 . She has also worked as a Lecturer in Uttara Adunik Medical College and Hospital. Currently, she is working as Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, in Anwer Khan Modern Medical College and Hospital.
She did a few international presentations in Asia Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR) 2018 and PULMOCON 2019. Some of her detailed works have already published and some are in progress for publication in various national and international journals.
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