Attention: All Registered Students and Faculty Members/Officers etc.
This is to notify that the following rules for the Midterm Examination of Summer-2024 will be followed:
1. The Midterm Examination of SUMMER Semester 2024 will commence on 12-20 JULY 2024. (If any change notify later).
2. Only those students who are registered for a course will be allowed to sit for exam. Under no circumstances those students who are not registered for a course will be allowed to sit for exam.
3. The Examinees must download/collect their admit card from his/her own login page or ask the Attendance Office Desk after paying semester 2nd installment fees.
4. If any student is found present in the Examination Hall without Admit Card, he/she will be asked to leave. Students must display his/her ID card during exam periods.
5. The examination halls will be opened 15 minutes before the scheduled time of examination. The invigilators/course teachers should be present at the examination hall gates at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time of examination, and ensure that only the eligible students (i.e. those with Admit Cards) enter the examination halls. Students are advised to take seat in exam hall as per the sitting plan.
6. No programmable calculator will be allowed in the Exam Hall, Mobile phone, books, pages (khata) and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited.
Your co-operation is highly appreciated.
S/d-Md Emarul Haq Joarder
Controller of Examinations in charge